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I Find It Kinda Funny I Find It Kinda Sad The Dreams in Which Im Dying Are the Best I Ever Had

KaiserKlaus.png KaiserKlausMouse is economically Corptism.png Corporatist, Civically Sec.png Authoritarian, culturally Trad.png Right, And wishes for all formerly German speaking lands to be PanGerman.png United.

This user is KaiserKlausMouse

"Denying being a fascist est. 2021."

This user is Authoritarian.

"I swear I'm not nazi!"

This user is Eco-Authoritarian.

"Burn the coal, pay the toll."

This user is Christian

"Praise the father, son, and holy spirit! or else "

This user is Reactionary

" Born 200 years too late "

This user is Syndicalist

"There is power in a union!"

This user is Nationalist.

"Blood and soil!"

This user is German

"Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit."

This user is American

"E pluribus unum."

This user believes animals to be equal to humans

"Balls are creatures, so why should we treat creatures differently?"

This user is an Optimist

"Cheer up doomers, there's still hope!"

This user is Male

"Proceeds to die in a war."

This user has high Heritage scores.

"Back in my day..."

This user has high Equality scores.


This user has high Coordination scores.

"Seriously, 23 soup brands???"

This user has high Supremacy scores.

"[Redacted by BallMedia]"

This user is a Bad Artist

"My ArT iS tHe BeSt AnD aNyOnE wHo SaYs OtHeRwIsE iS dOuBlEpLuSuNgOoD!"

This user is Pro-Life

"No kill baby plz."

This user is ENTJ.

"Becoming CEO of everything."


Trumpism.png 2016-2017 Trumpism Trumpism.png

Initially, KaiserKlausMouse was a Trump supporter, mostly because he thought Donald Trump was "funny."

Commie.png 2017-2018 Communism Commie.png

After KaiserKlausMouse started researching Communism in 2017, he came to the conclusion that Ormarxf.png Marxism was the best ideology as it offers financial equality for all.

After around a year and a half of being a Commie.png communist, KaiserKlausMouse slowly de-radicalized, and ended up in a sort of limbo state in which he at times was a Dsa.png democratic socialist and then the next day he was a Socdem.png social democrat.

During quarantine, KaiserKlausMouse researched PanGerman.png German nationalism and the German Empire.png German Empire. Around October 2020 is when KaiserKlausMouse's political beliefs during the beginning of his activity on this site were formed.

Monsynd.png 2022-Now Integral Monarcho-Syndicalism ChiRhoInt1.png

After some reflection and research, I have to say that Synd.png Syndicalism is a more viable ideology, which helps workers more than a Statesoc.png State Socialist economy, which as history has shown, leads to dictatorships which don't truly care about the worker. I've also looked into ChiRhoInt1.png Integralism, and I think it is needed, to help stop the downfall of society.

KaiserKlausMouse's Beliefs

Unitary.png How the Government Should be Run Unitary.png

THe government should be a Diarchy.png Diarchy between the head of the nation's Synd.png Worker Union and a Conmon.png Semi-Constitutional Monarchy. They both hold equal power. If both rulers cannot agree on a law/bill/declaration etc then the senate votes, the Senate would consist of Technocracy.png Techocrats and experts who vote on the issue. These Technocrats are chosen via tests and interviews that anyone without a criminal record can try out for. The Monarch would be chosen via the senate voting in someone from a native royal family, (Hohenzollern, Wittelsbach, etc...) as to avoid the possibility of a mentally deranged monarch coming to power.

Conservative.png The Problem with Conservatism Centrist-yellow.png

Conservative.png Conservatives are typically associated with the cultural right, but I would disagree. Conservatives have no backbone, and don't fight to reverse the damage of progressivism, because history has shown us that after progressives enact a reform, the conservatives eventually just accept it and even defend it. Progressivists will always win as long as conservatives are the opposition, because Progressives try again and again until they succeed, whilst Conservatives give up after the first try. So Conservatives are not right-wing, but merely centrists, and Progconf.png those who claim to be centrists are even worse, as they even support some progressive social policies.

MarketReact.png Social corpratism.png Economic Philosophy Synd.png Statecap.png

Georgist.png Housing Policy Timocracy.png

Housing should be granted by the state or the union (unless of course you live in the wilderness) and housing quality should be ranked by your job and how important it is, how hard you work, and how long you have worked there. No rent is needed as your home is a reward of your labour. Everyone deserves some sort of housing, so homeless people should be allowed a class 1 apartment at least so that they have a roof over their head.

Social-ism.png 100% Employment Indust.png

Everyone should have a job, and your schooling should be personalized for your future job that you want. People should be able to have any job they want with enough hard work. People who are uncooperative should be given menial jobs, and if they still are refusing to work, they should be deported, because the nation does not need leeches who contribute nothing to society. People seeking creative jobs such as artists and musicians should be supported by the state and union if they are talented enough so that they can pursue their dreams without financial worry.

Synd.png The National Union Synd.png

The National Union should be comprised of all workers, as to defend jobs and workers. The hierarchy should start at the top with the head of the union, and then be divided into different corporations that oversee certain job types, (corporation of Farm.png Agriculture, Indust.png Industry, etc...) these would also have a democratically elected union leader, who negotiates with the state for Corptism.png yearly goals.

WelfChauvin.png Welfare and Social-economic Policies Social corpratism.png

National Welf.png Welfare should be available to everybody, with the quality depending on how well you do your job. Those who meet national quotas and have good and moral character should be rewarded with good healthcare and pensions, while those who laze about and fail to reach their national quotas should still receive healthcare and pensions, but of lower quality, as to encourage them to work harder. If there is any sort of economic downturn or disaster that would affect everyone's efficiency, then the Synd.png National Union should negotiate with the government to keep the worker's social benefits. People who do not work at places with quotas should also receive social benefits depending on the quality of their work.

Corptism.png The Government's role in the economy Statecap.png

The government should be responsible for setting national quotas and paying the people of the country. They should set prices for goods and services and fluctuate the prices based on how well the economy is.

Econat.png Environment Policy Climate Dictatorship.png

KaiserKlausMouse advocates for the complete eradication of Indust.png fossil fuels by 2050. The government should shut down industrial factories and replace them with solar panels, but mostly hydropower, the government should also give everyone electrical cars to replace their old cars, which would be scrapped. Keeping an old car would have to mean appealing it to the government, who would if they agree, mean that its driving use would be very limited. Pesticides and other chemicals such as GMOs should be outlawed. Deforestation should also be put to a halt. The environment of the Fatherland should remain beautiful and smog-free.

Transh.png Technology Agrnac.png

Transh.png Transhumanism is an inherently unholy and unnatural ideology. With the only pro being life-saving medicine. Self-driving cars and robots that take people's jobs should be outlawed, as they threaten to push millions of people out of a job, and the economy will implode. If everyone is replaced by a machine, then nobody can afford any products of the machine. The government should take measures to propagandize against technological development, taking away land from Corp.png Corporations and giving it back to Farm.png Local Farmers.

Isolationist.png Immigration Policy Isolationist.png

American Immigration does not matter to me, but the mass immigration to Europe by the Arabs must be stopped, we should intervene in Cball-Syria.png Syria and other countries in which there is a mass refugee crisis. We will install a temporary German client state there, and when everything is stabilized, grant them independence.

Mil.png Foreign and Defense Policy Mil.png

Dismantle the EU and all the other global organizations and retake the old German Territories by militaristic or diplomatic means. Conscription should be re-installed for men aged 18-20. Germany should build up a strong military and try to ally with countries with similar struggles such as Cball-Russia.png Russia and Cball-Hungary.png Hungary.

Nation.png German Self-Shame Nation.png

Cball-Germany.png Germany has had to live in shame ever since the tragedy that was the Second World War. Denazification has made Germans self-hating for what their ancestors have caused. This is a critical flaw in Cball-Germany.png Germany. Germans must do a complete 180 in their view of themselves. Cball-Germany.png Germany is currently a slave to the European Federalism.png EU. We have lost not only our land, but also our autonomy, our pride, and now we are a pitiful nation where you are shunned for simply saying "Deutschland Über Alles." We erect a monument of shame in our own capital. Nation.png Nationalism must return to Cball-Germany.png Germany.

Protect.png Protectionism Protect.png

Protect.png Protectionism is a great policy to make the nation self-sufficient. It's also great at trapping Corp.png massive corporate tycoons so that their massive hoards of wealth will be put into social programs and national projects that will benefit the whole country. It will also end trade with Cball-China.png China and its evil practices.

Ethno.png Ethplur.png Ethnic Viewpoint Intercult.png Multicult.png

I stand with Ethplur.png Ethnopluralism. Ethplur.png Ethnopluralism is great because it allows many different unique cultures to flourish separately, whilst also not descending into Ethno.png racism which oppresses other cultures or Multicult.png a depressing mish-mash of cultures. I stand by the belief that every ethnicity deserves a home free from foreign rule. Intercult.png Interculturalism isn't great either, as it's literally just Multicult.png multicultural nationalism Civnat.png .

Pac.png Pacifism or Militarism? Mil.png

Pac.png Pacifism is usually a very selfish and immoral philosophy, as it says that you cannot take drastic actions when there are injustices in the world, such as the Cball-Taliban.png Taliban takeover of Cball-IRAfghanistan.png Afghanistan. Pac.png Pacifism can be justified sometimes, such as the Vietnam War. Likewise, Mil.png Militarism isn't always justified; Colonial.png Neo-Colonial wars[2] are always immoral as it suppresses Native.png Blacknat.png indigenous peoples. Most other wars (With a strong justification) are moral. This includes IrelandHarp.png wars for independence, Pan-Nationalism.png to unite a people, Necon.png to end a corrupt foreign government, Irridentism.png to retake old territories, etc.

Mediastocracy flair.png The Media Mediastocracy flair.png

The Media is a very important tool that has shown to be very manipulative and dangerous. For this reason, the state should monitor all media for misinformation and rabble-rousing. Along with this, the government and the national union should have their own news channels.

Cball-CSA.png The Confederate Statues Cball-CSA.png

Make them protected under federal law and build more of them. The CSA was the only chance at a great America, but thanks to the USA's brainwashing, the CSA has become a caricature of what it really is, and it's a shame, really. Now the OchloAngry.png woke mob Proggtard.png are coming after the statues.

Indiv.png Individualism or Collectivism? Col.png

The individual is almost always after self-gain. A true nationalist would put aside their personal wants and needs for the good of the nation. Col.png Collectivism is naturally empathetic and unifying, and to be honest, that's just basic morality, if others are in need, you help them.

Systemicracism.png "Systemic Racism" Systemicracism.png

There is no such thing. Racism in government was eliminated long ago, and any push to say that it still is is a fib at best, and a riot catalyst at worst. The idea of the scheming Straight Christian White Man to make minorities lives' as hard as possible sounds like something out of the anti-Semitism of old. The myth of "Systemic Racism" was probably just invented as a means to promote Blacknat.png Black Nationalism and make white people feel guilty just for their skin colour.[3] so that they can implement Prog.png Progressive policies.

Liberty.png Civil Liberties and Domestic Policy PolState.png

In General

In general, civil liberties are just used as an excuse to let people do wrong things such as prostitution, murder, and suicide.

Illeg.png Crime PolState.png

Crime must be stomped via PolState.png Police state. Mass protests for any movement must be scheduled ahead of time and officers be present at the protest for security. I support rehabilitation over punishment in most cases, but some people can't be rehabilitated, and some crimes are so evil that they must be punished.

Sec.png The Death Penalty Thanto.png

I am typically against the death penalty except if there is without a shadow of doubt that the crime was committed by the defendant and it was of unimaginable horror. Other than that, Criminals in prison should be able to live so that they can do good deeds and prove themselves worthy of heaven before dying.

Civlibert.png Freedom of Speech Libertarian Paternalism.png

As strange as it may seem, I actually support free speech. I believe that individual has the right to say anything they want exceptions. (E.G. plotting to kill, canceling people, etc.) However, the government should influence public opinion, but not force it, much like Libertarian Paternalism.png Libertarian Paternalism. "Hate speech" is also a very vague term, and I oppose any sort of censorship based on perceived "bigotry."[4]

GRights.png Gun Rights GRights.png

My position on GRights.png guns is that unions should have them in case the government turns evil, but the average person should not privately own a gun, if you want to shoot a gun that bad, then you can go to a state-owned shooting range.

Morality.png Morality Moral.png

SJW.png LGBT SJW.png

As long as they don't act upon their sexuality, I don't really see how punishing them over something they can't control is reasonable. Romantic relationships between the same sex are okay. But sexual relationships between the same-sex goes against the book of Leviticus. I am firmly against transgenderism, which is a load of bs that impressionable kids buy into which permanently mutilates your body, gender transition surgery should be outlawed. People with gender dysphoria should instead be given therapy by the state to help them overcome their condition. Because the first step to solving a mental health problem is to recognize that it is a mental health problem, not just a natural trait.

Fem.png Abortion Fem.png

Abortion is murder and unless the mother has a very high likelihood of dying. Abortion is an ongoing genocide. The baby should never be aborted. Life starts at conception. In cases of rape, there is still no reason to murder the baby over the sins of the rapist. In cases of incest, the baby has already been punished enough, and they shall not have to pay for the sins of their parents.

Satan.png Prostitution Satan.png

Prostitution should be illegal. Police raids should be conducted on prostitution sites. People who go to prostitution sites just for fun should be tried in court for their crimes

Acidcomf.png Drug use Acidcomf.png

Drugs are evil, the only drugs allowed should be medication. Drugs that serve little to no medical value should be illegal, including cannabis and even tobacco and nicotine. Anyone caught with drugs should be sent to rehab. Drugs destroy families and lives, allowing such a scourge on society to continue is immoral.

Deepe.png Animal Rights Ecofash.png

Animals deserve equal rights to humans, the mass brothels and death camps must be destroyed, and the mass murderers should be judged for their crimes. More national parks should be built for the newly released animals. People should still be able to keep pets as long as they care for them. If someone abuses animals, they should be sent to a concentration camp. Killing an animal should be viewed the same as killing a human. Biologist.png Animal testers should be killed, I'm usually against the death penalty but animal testers are Satan.png demons and should not be given mercy for the atrocities they have caused. Hunting should also be made illegal.

How to draw

1. Draw a circle 2. Draw the flag of the German Empire 3. Draw a leaf in the middle in green 4. Fill in the green leaf with red

Political Timeline

Apolit.png -> Trumpism.png -> Commie.png -> Dsa.png -> PanGerman.png

Fash.png Fascism Fash.png

Is KaiserKlausMouse a Fascist?

No, Fascism is too extreme, as I do support freedom of speech and I oppose totalitarianism. Although I can't blame why some people might become one.

Reformer.png Reform or Revolution? Revolution.png

Reform, I am often pretty repulsed by Jacobin.png Ancom.png bloodthirsty revolutionary Psychos. Guevara.png In history, revolution has been shown to lead to tyranny and destabilization of the nation (I.E. Cball-France.png France, Orthlen.png Russia, Cball-Germany.png Germany). That being said, society has fallen so far down into progressive multiculturalism that we must react with a Revolutionary Conservatism.png Reactionary Revolution, because I honestly don't see any bureaucratic way out of this mess.

Cball-China.png Cball-Russia.png The East or the West? Cball-US.png

Neither, the West is a Prog.png Progressive Cap.png Capitalist and arguably Colonial.png Colonial nightmare, and the East is poverty-ridden and full of corruption. The best scenario would be one where the west reforms into Social corpratism.png Social Corporatism, although this is highly unlikely.

Responses to Common Arguments I am Faced With

My Response to the "Mind Your Own Business" Argument

This argument is often cited by Awaj.png Anarchist types. They claim that it doesn't matter what other people do, and if I want to live my life a certain way, that's fine, but I shouldn't be forcing it onto others. This is almost always just a plot to convince me that what they are doing is okay. The goal of my society would be to instill order and neatness. If society just "minded their own business" then we would be living in anarchy.

My Response to the "But Human Rights!" Argument

This argument is a very slippery slope, history has shown us that rights have been given to more and more people, but when does it stop? Trans people? Pedophiles? Cannibals? Murderers? Progressive types will always call hesitant people derogatory names to pressure them into the self-destructive ideology of "progressivism."

The Based Score Thing

Everyone else is doing it, even though the whole point of this is because Quark was too lazy to actually add people to his page, but who cares, I'll do it too. You probably already know how this works but if you don't, here it goes.

You start with 0 Basedism.png Based Points, and every time you agree with me, you get 1 or 0.5 Basedism.png Based Points.

1. I acknowledge Cap.png Capitalism and Soc.png Socialism's failures, and the need for Corptism.png Corporatism.
-I agree: +1 Point
-We should have more government intervention, but not corporatism: +0.5 Points
-Other: 0 Based Points

2. I am against Libertarian.png libertarianism and Awaj.png anarchism
-I agree: +1 Based Points
-I'm not libertarian, but a Classlib.png classical liberal: +0.5 Based Points
-Other: +0 Based Points

3. I am a Nation.png nationalist.
-Yes: +1 Based Point
-I'm a Modnat.png Patriot: +0.5 Based Points
-No: 0 Based Points

4. I am a Semi-Constitutional Monarchist
-Yes: +1 Based Point
-I am a constitutional/absolute/ceremonial Monarchist: +0.5 Based Points
-No:0 Based Points

5. I am a SocialConservative.png Social Conservative who opposes Prog.png Progressivism
-Yes: +1 Based Point
-I am culturally Center: +0.5 Based Points
-No: 0 Based Points

6. I am a Christy.png Christian
-Yes: +1 Based Point
-I have an Abrahamic religion or a Christian agnostic: +0.5 Based Points
-No: 0 Based Points

7. I recognize that animals deserve rights
-Yes: +1 Based Point
-They deserve some rights, but are not our equals: +0.5 Based Points
- Speciesismicon.png No Speciesismicon.png : 0 Based Points

8. I am against pornography and seek to ban it.
-Yes: +1 Based point
-I am against it or do not watch it, but do not seek to ban it: +0.5 Based Points

coomer alert

: 0 Based Points

9. I am Envi.png Environmentalist
-Yes: +1 Based Point
-It's not that important but climate change is real: +0.5 Based Points
-No: 0 Based Points

10. I am a Mil.png Militarist
-Yes: +1 Based Point
-We should have a big military, but not engage in offensive wars: +0.5 Based Points
-No: 0 Based Points


  • Baconsalad123 Icon.png Baconsalad123: 6.5/10
  • Ukraiana.png Ukraiana : 6.5/10
  • Christianright.png SomeCrusader1224: 6/10
  • BeryAbLib.png Be ry Ab : 3/10
  • AmmNew.png Am m : 3/10 (I don't support the concept of "rights" for animals but they are equal to us)


Mega Based


  • Jedpill.png Based And Jedpilled - Based conservative semi-constitutional monarchist.
  • NeoImmorx.png Immorxius - A few things are questionable, but I'd say you're 95 percent BASED. (Also, you too also hate Cball-France.png Fr*nce.)
  • Admiralism Icon.png SussyNuoh - Pretty based, and fellow Corporatist.
  • Ukraiana Tiny picture2.png Ukraiana - aside from Cap.png Capitalism, you're a based authoritarian who helps me in arguments and is an epic traditionalist.
  • Vizantion-Storm.png TheHellenicStorm - Pretty based. My only real reservation is that you seem to support a sort of Fash.png fascist EU 4thReichEU.png and you have a strange affinity for Nazi.png National Socialism.
  • LKR15.png LKR15tye - Sec.png Authoritarian? Check. Catheo.png Catholic? Check. Nation.png Nationalist? Check. Trad.png Traditionalist? Check. You are certified based. But what is this whole Eurasia stuff???
  • JudePortrait.png High Priest Jude - My real life friend, very based.
  • MossadTest.png Mossad - I don't know a whole ton about you, but your a National Conservative Zionist, so you're pretty based Mind looking into labor Zionism?
  • Baconsalad123 Icon.png Baconsalad123 - A few things aren't that great, but they're very minor, overall you're very based.
  • Firebender12345ism.png Firebender12345 - Literally me but Irish, Ultra Based.
  • Svs.png SNEEDIVS Svs.png - Very based, but you're obviously Bannned. What with being Australian, Catholic, antisemetic,(although less thankfully) and your drawing style. But that's alright. You're good, but what do you have against Germanic people?

Kind of Based

  • Cball-CSA.png Confederalism - I support your secession, your economy would be ruined, but please curb your libertarianism.
  • Conservative.png Conservatism - Your based but free market Capitalism is pretty cringe.
  • Socdem.png Social Democracy - Not too bad in theory, I just wish your supporters were less progressive.
  • Classprog.png Classical Progressivism - Remember when progressivism was about Equality.png equality, and not Blacknat.png Black Nationalism?
  • React.png Reactionarism - Society was much better back in the late 1800s and the early 1900s, we should go back to that time. But even so, there are a few things in modern life that we should keep.
  • Classfash.png Classical Fascism - You're kinda cool, it depends though, I like a Monarch.png Semi-constitutional monarchy better, but you could be useful if altered to combat rising problems in society.
  • PaleoKlaus.png My old ideology - Kinda based, but I really was just an extreme projection of my mother. But I do have some things to salvage from you, such as a less extreme form of Commie.png communism and Christy.png Christian values.


  • Typicalfan.png Typicalfan4 - Based conservative, cringe capitalist. But you're mostly based.
  • ReactionaryCentrism6.png Bannned - You had pretty based views on a lot of stuff, even if you did go too far; too bad Neoairisu.png she decided to ban you. Now you're page has been deleted too, you truly were too based for anyone to handle. :(
  • Sweatingcup.png Sweatingcup - He is too friendly with the Prog.png Progtards and likes the European Federalism.png EU, that being said, Sec.png Authoritarianism is hella based.
  • Lairi (hat).png ChiroPro Lairi (None).png - Has good ideals, but is too moderate. Also, Republicanismpix.png Republicanism is cringe.
  • Utsoc.png Bolulka - Some of his opinions can be kinda wack, but he's mostly based.
  • MPTree.png Magicpeartree - Based socialist who also despises Ktech-icon.png him. But you're ideology is kinda cringe.
  • Christianright.png SomeCrusader1224 - Very based, the only reservations I have with you is that you should go a little more left economically.
  • Doomercrusader.png DoomerCrusader - Gigachad, but Europe should not be united and Nazi.png Nazism is kinda cringe.
  • Reactionary Jacobin.png NazBolGANG12 - I don't know much about your ideology, but Monsoc.png Monarcho-Socialism is pretty based.
  • Venizelos.png ArGyro - A bit too moderate on social and economic issues, but you're a based Mil.png militarist and Irridentism.png irredentist.
  • Bmanthought.png Bman - Based authoritarian and socialist, but for some reason he's pretty skeptical of me. Also your social views are kind of meh.
  • Distributist.png Dumnorix - Overall based, but you don't want the old territories back.
  • BeryAbLib.png Be ry Ab - Fellow Cball-Germany.png German who Likes the FDP.png FDP and thinks PanGerman.png Pan-Germanism is cringe. But you are a very good person and even made a portrait for me.:)[5]
  • Scarlet Icon.png ScarletTheVampireQueen - Based Dsa.png Demsoc with based views.
  • PATS.png ChineseSocialist - Based economic, civic, and cultural views, but your views on religion is kinda sus. Your views on problems around the world are great, but the way you justify Cball-China.png China's government makes me cringe. The eight honors and eight shames are pretty cool though.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism.png Black Drone - Based Authoritarianism and Conservatism, but why so capitalist?
  • LeninisBasedsmall.png Leninisbased556 - Vandalized my page, aside from that, pretty meh. WAIT, YOU SUPPORT THE DDR??? WTF
  • EpicConIcon.png NazBolGANG12 - Pretty based, but you said that my ideology is a LARP, which is funny considering your name.
  • GenShrekf.png ComradeShreck - Mostly based, but communism isn't.
  • Balodismaxesmall.png IvarsBalodis Balodismconsmall.png - Definitley gigabased, as all conservative socialists are. Your guild economy also seems interesting.
  • FabiusHat.png AmericanFascist/PaleoFabius - You're a Nazi now and you were kind of a jerk to BeryAbLib.png Be ry Ab but people took it to far and told you and me to kill ourselves so I'm on your side.
  • Noel21231-icon.png Noel21231 - What I'd expect from a Reactlib.png Reactionary Liberal. Although it seems like he also likes 3P.png Third Position economics, which is good. But why do you hate Jews?
  • Syntridem3.png Applethesky2021 - Conservative Christian who wants social programs, pretty based. But you need to React.png R E A C T .
  • Titleaboutmrharvey-removebg-preview.png Harveytherman - eco-conservatism is good, but not capitalism. Overall pretty good. But WTF why is your icon's name so long?!?!

Mixed Feelings


  • Libms.png Edgey05 - I like your leftism a little, but you are going WAY too far...
  • OrthReactPaleominarchist.png BasedRussianMikuru - Based cultural values, and as long as you give back Königsberg, I don't care if you would take the entirety of the old Cball-Russian Empire.png Russian Empire! But Anime and minarchism is cringe...
  • DualPlay.png DualPlay1 - I don't know too much about your ideology, but you're a statist socialist. That's good, but the SJW.png LGBT hate goes too far and hardcore Atheism.png atheism is cringe.
  • Tony.png Tony567 - Kinda based in some parts, kinda cringe in other parts. Also why did you think Corporatocracy was ever a good idea?
  • RojanALT.PNG Ro jo 346 - Very conservative, (Maybe even more than me!) but aside from that, multiculturalism and laissez-faire capitalism are very cringe. Meritocracy seems like a neat concept, but I'm not too sure if it would work tbh.
  • TolkienIRLicon.png TolkienIRL - Monarchist and Authoritarian, I know Monarchism isn't very common here and neither is Authoritarianism so I'll give you points for that, but I just can't get past the Laissez-Faire Capitalism and Feudalism (Seriously man, FEUDALISM???)
  • SrDeyvidIcon.png Sr Deyvid - He had a good run, but now he's a Libertarian. Very sad.
  • Ecosoc.png Hood856 - Ecosoc.png Eco-Socialism is good, but plz don't go too far with the Prog.png Progressivism.
  • NSL.png Pirate Tails - we'll rally 'round the Bonnie flag, we'll rally once again, shout, shout the battle cry of Free... Wait, you're not a Cball-CSA.png Neo-Confederate? Oh well, you're ideology is binge.
  • AmmNew.png Am m - RIP, at least he escaped Egoism.
  • Yoda8soup.png Yoda 8 soup : Nice person and fellow T*kt*k hater, but your ideology isn't too great tbh.
  • And3 .png And3 : Like above, good person, just not too big of a fan of the ideology.
  • PagTheo.png Pantheon : Very strange ideology, but you're okay.
  • Kentucky.png Kentucky panda - Basically Matteel if he was nice.
  • TheElectricBomb.png TheElectricBomb - "Mixed feelings" rings true here now more than ever, I agree with some stuff but other stuff I find really sus.

Kind of Cringe


  • NeoBlartf.png BlartyBoy - A bit too far left but at least you're a fellow Synd.png Syndicalist.
  • Ismism Icon.png CarpenterFamily - You said you were a Socauth.png social authoritarian, but you started hating me for no reason. But still, you shouldn't have been banned.
  • Ultroneism.png LordCompost86 - Absolutely abhorrent ideology, but you are very polite, unlike what I'd expect an egoist to be like. Also the heart of the great ego-replacement.
  • Councilguy.png Councilguy - Economically and environmentally, you're based, but civically and culturally you're cringe. But your views on religion is absolutely appalling.
  • Postsynd.png Niveous Laccolith - Very cringe ngl. But I must compliment you on ACTUALLY WILLING TO DEBATE. (Unlike MATTball3.png someone else I know.) Another ancom converted egoist. I need to stop LordCompost before everyone is an egoist!
  • Neoairisu.png SumisuAirisu - Progressive "anarchist", pretty cringe, but thank you for unblocking me. :)
  • Libcon.png ResponsibleCitizen - Conservatism is good, but you lost me on everything else. At least you hate anarchists.
  • M99.png M99 - A bit too revolutionary and lib but all around okay. But the reason I don't put him in mixed is because he went on an incoherent rant about how I'm literally Hitler.
  • Sk1pzyicon.png Sk1pzy - Not very cool ideology and statistically likely to become an egoist in the near future... But even so, you seem nice so that's good.
  • DragonRed.png DragonRed - Economic Policies are great, but your cultural, religious, and technological policies are kind of Reddit athiest tbh.
  • TheIced.png The Iced - Not very based ideology, but it could be worse I guess. Your Environmentalism is good though.
  • Affiliated-grump.png Affiliated - Smart guy, but like many egoists here, you drown in obscure philosophy that won't actually help anyone.
  • AbEntball.png The Grand Anarch - Affiliated-New.png Affiliated true ideology.
  • Ronzipotism.png UserWiki:Ronzipot - Pretty based tbh, me but civically liberal... That being said, you pulled a complete 180 on me and made being civically liberal your entire ideology.

Mega Cringe

  • Awaj.png Anarchism - People need rulers, expecting everyone to be politically literate and of moral character is unreasonable.
  • Anat.png Anationalism - You're a failure, hardly anyone knows your language, and that's good.
  • Antifa.png Antifa - Just Anarkiddy.png Anarkiddy with a temper problem.
  • Blm.png Black Lives Matter - A Blacknat.png black nationalist organization that is a tool of the OchloAngry.png woke mob which supports the far-left conspiracy theory of Systemicracism.png "systemic racism."
  • Bonaparte.png Bonapartism - Elsass Lothringen ist Deutsch!
  • European Federalism.png European Federalism - Another tool of the Satan.png Globalists to make European nations lose their sovereignty
  • Menslib.png Men's Liberation - No, I'm not going to let you "enjoy things."
  • Stateath.png State Atheism - Imagine, if you will. A world where everyone is destined to go to hell or be tortured. You are the definition of evil.
  • Statlib.png State Liberalism - It was said that Sec.png authoritarianism would destroy the Prog.png Progressives, not join them!
  • Speciesismicon.png Speciesism - Don't pretend that you aren't real...
  • Ancapf.png Anarcho-Capitalism - You're basically Ancapfeud.png Neo Feudalism.
  • Prog.png Progressivism - You are ruining society! You also call people racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. just because they have different opinions than you! Not only that, but your hypocritical, you say you want equality, yet you are Speciesismicon.png speciesist!
  • World Federalism2.png World Federalism - Totally unfeasible, and that's a good thing.
  • Darwinist.png Social Darwinism - But why? Why do you hate the weak? Perhaps YOU should be killed!
  • Agorismf.png Agorism - Basically Ancapf.png Anarcho-Capitalism, except you really care about black markets, mega cringe...
  • Anti-Natalism.png Anti Natalism - You needed more hugs as a kid... get a life.
  • Falgsc.png FALGSC - Seriously??? Good thing this ideology is impossible...
  • Libertarian.png Libertarianism - Even though you are a diet version of Ancapf.png Anarcho-Capitalism, you're somehow even more fanatical about guns. I think you have trust issues...
  • Altr.png Alt-Right - You're the reason why the cultural right is never taken seriously!
  • Fem.png Feminism - Killing babies is immoral, not like you'd know anything about morals...
  • Corp.png Corporatocracy - What Cap.png Capitalism is heading towards.
  • Plutocrat.png Plutocracy - The current state of America.
  • Ego.png Egoism - Egoism encourages selfishness and a Godless worldview. No amount of philosophy will ever convince me that this will ever work. (And thank God for that!)
  • TharTard.png Anti-Authoritarianism - "You can't tell me whut too do!11!!"


  • Cball-ProgressiveAnarchoMarxism.png MapOfFish - So basically Antifa.
  • Higg.png TheRealNNE - Professionals have standards, be polite, be efficient, and kill every cappie you meet
  • Kirblyism-Icon.png Kirbly - World federalist democratic liberal that's progressive? Why man, just why?
  • Ktech-icon.png K-Tech - I spent 2 hours on Authoritarian Centrism, and you just deleted it for no reason!
  • TDRH.png ThatDudeRightHere - He hates me and wants me to "cope", but I don't really mind, because it seems like he hates anyone who isn't a typical American style conservative. Okay but Mladorossi.png Mladorossism is kinda based.
  • ΩFlugelIcon.png Omega Flugel - He finally left his house...
  • Mebrouk.png Mebrouk Mebrouk-2.png - Basically the most average leftist ever. Like, it's actually painful.
  • TIMUAAAism.png ThisismyusernameAAAA - Anarcho-Communist troll who spams the comment section of ideologies he doesn't like.
  • Enaysikey.png Enaysikey - Aside from your kinda-welfare, you're mega cringe.
  • Bhl.png Vonali - Reading his comments made me depressed... I think he left though.
  • YellingLiber.png YellingYowie - a Cball-California.png Californian Sep.png separatist Prog.png progressive Libtard.png liberal.
  • Ninjack.png Ninjack-Aus - "Deeply masked", basically a cringier version of Userwiki:YellingYowie Userwiki:BeryAb User:Mebrouk UserWiki:Kirbly them. Not to mention that his policies are actually horrifying. Cball-Australia.png Australia would probably turn into a degenerate country which puts all of its money towards forever wars in the middle east while immigrants take jobs and hacked and rigged elections. (electronic voting is very susceptible to hackers.)
  • MedDavilanda.png Davilanda13 - Absolute Crapitalism.png cappie who thinks Feud.png Feudalism is based. But also Epic Gamer
  • Smelegem.png Smelegem - LGBT Muslim and also a maoist, wtf?! Also very racist, I dare her to write the stuff he writes on discord on here.
  • Councilguy2.png Post-Councilism - Council Communism was okay, then you said religion was delusional, but euthanasia? You also support conspiracy theories such as that gender is a social construct.

Views on Political Youtubers

  • Prog.png Knowing Better - A perfectly awful synthesis of strawman fallacies and conspiracy theories, with some genocide denial mixed in for good measure.
  • Kraut.png Kraut - okay nowadays, but your older videos are multicultural garbage.
  • Mesocon.png PragerU - Sometimes based, but you can be really cringe sometimes.
  • Kak-Dunce.png That alt-right playbook guy - You equate Fascism to Reactionarism to Conservatism, also you realize that you people use the same tactics, right?
  • Rightpop.png Memology 101 - A conservative channel that does nothing but hates on masks, vaccines, and Biden. Not very educational at all, also masquerades as a meme channel.
  • Leftpop-0.png The Gravel Institute - A socialist channel trying to be Prager-U but leftist. Much like Second Thought, around half of their videos are basedish, and the other half are cringe.

Views on disputed areas

Cball-Sudan.png Sudan Cball-SouthSudan.png

South Sudan should be independent.

Cball-Morocco.png Western Sahara Cball-WesternSahara.png

Sahrawi Republic is the real western sahara.

Cball-IRAfghanistan.png Afghanistan Cball-Taliban.png

Old Afghanistan will be missed, but not recognizing the new Afghanistan is childish and stupid.

Cball-Russia.png Cball-SouthOssetia.png Cball-Abkhazia.png South Ossetia and Abkhazia Cball-Georgia.png

They should be granted independence.

Zio.png Israel Hamas.png

There is no such thing as a "Palestinian" people. The New Kingdom of Jerusalem should be installed there as an international Abrahamic religious state. But for right now, Israel is good enough. Way better than if Palestine took it over.

Cball-South Korea.png Korea Cball-North Korea.png

Neither Korea should unite it, a new revolution in both countries led by the people should unite them.

Cball-Russia.png Cball-Ukraine.png Crimea Cball-CrimeanTatar.png

Crimeans should be independent from both Ukraine and Russia.

Cball-Russia.png The War on Ukraine Cball-Ukraine.png

Putin.png Putin is totally in the right here, Cball-Ukraine.png Ukraine tried to join Necon.png NATO, and the West didn't make any concessions. Cball-Ukraine.png Ukraine had it coming, and it's sad to see how people are so easily influenced by Western propaganda.

Cball-Serbia.png Kosovo Cball-Kosovo.png

Kosovo shouldn't exist. It should all be ceded to Albania.

Cball-Greece.png Aegean Dispute Ottoman.png

They belong to Greece.

Cball-Ireland.png Northern Ireland Cball-UK.png

Northern Ireland belongs to Ireland, and it should be repopulated with Irish people. "There can never be peace in Ireland until the foreign oppressive British presence is removed, leaving all the Irish people as a unit to control their own affairs and determine their own destinies as a sovereign people, free in mind and body, separate and distinct physically, culturally and economically."

Cball-UK.png Gibraltar Cball-Spain.png

Belongs to Spain, it was stolen during the Napoleonic wars.

Cball-UK.png Falkland Islands Argentina.png

As most people (59%) listed their nationality as "Falkland Islander" and not British, they should be independent.

Cball-China.png Taiwan Cball-Taiwan.png

Taiwan is a free and independent country.

Cball-Greece.png Northern Cyprus Cball-NorthernCyprus.png Ottoman.png

Northern Cyprus was stolen by Turkey, and its local population replaced with Turks. It belongs to Cyprus.

Cball-Moldova.png Transnistria Cball-Transnistria.png Cball-Russia.png

It should be independent.

How I would have voted in every German election

Opinions on Modern-Day Countries


PLB-Liechtenstein.png Liechtenstein
Cball-Poland.png Poland

Good (Just a few tweaks needed)

Hochi.png Vietnam
Castro.png Cuba
Cball-Ireland.png Ireland

Meh (In need of reform)

Cball-Russia.png Russia
Cball-Japan.png Japan
Cball-Hungary.png Hungary
Cball-Syria.png Syria

Bad (In need of heavy protests and reform

Cball-Germany.png Germany (Unfortunately)
Cball-US.png United States of America
Panscan.png All of Scandinavia

Atrocious (In need of a violent revolution)

Cball-AfricanUnion.png Almost all of Africa
Cball-Taliban.png Afghanistan
Cball-North Korea.png North Korea
Cball-China.png China

Political Parties I Support



  • USASolidarity.png Solidarity Party



  • Christy.png Christian Heritage Party of Canada




Figures I admire

Irl Relations

Opinions on Political Compass Corners

Opinions on Political Compass Unities

Icons I created

Base (1).png : DON'T USE
MPTree.png :MagicPearTree icon
Sweatingcup.png : SweatingCup2632 icon
Doomercrusader.png : DoomerCrusader icon
Tony.png : Tony567 icon
And more... (I'm too lazy to add them)


My quiz results (NOTE: May be outdated)

6 Foundations

Download (2).png
Screenshot 2022-02-15 12.25.42 PM.png


  1. I know you people are going to miscontrue this, so what I mean is people that fake being deppressed or overexaggerate how bad their lives are for the sake of being "cool" or "edgy."
  2. Wars that are waged for no other reason than to acquire territory for exploitation of the land and/or people.
  3. Also known as racism
  4. If anyone unironically uses the word "bigotry" near me in a pejorative sense, I will physically cringe.
  5. KaiserKlausPortrait.png
  6. Exact words: "You're probably the reason why I was globalled! Fuck you I hope you did a slow and painful death!"
  7. Exact words: "Fucking Canadian, White South African, Anglo, Zionist scum", also if comments ever re-appear, check my comments, you'll see what I mean.
  8. Exact words: "Afghanistan occupation good cuz muh wamon rights!", supports Guevara
  9. Exact words: "Black nationalism is 100% based"


northern cyprus was not stolen by turkey. Greek fascists were killing

Turkish Cypriots. Northern Cyprus was established out of necessity.        

Ashley.png AshleyHere - My ideology has changed update relations?

"Add me to relations." - TheElectricBomb.png TheElectricBomb

Progressive, not backward. It's not expansionist, it's anti-imperialist. Secular, not theocrat. A republic, not a monarchist. Peaceful, not militaristic. I prefer a Germany.

MATTball.png Ma tt eel - Btw i added you back you can do the same just a fair heads up.

User:Tenwingedpiegion - you are 10% based
Amm1.png Am m add me back to relations ty

Cball-France-Beret.png Che eb ow8 - Do you happen to play any musical instruments? If so, which one(s)?

DNY hammer.png Dar kni ght Yuu sha - update relations pls

TonyNew.png Tony567 - changed ideology

  • Add me.

Fundamentalist Catholic. He is anti-technology by his belief. Against abortion and eugenics. Barriers to technological social cultural progress. Imperialist. He wants to make Poland German Catholic. You are an obstacle to the development of society as a requirement of your faith. What you wrote above about technology is complete bullshit. At least you care about the environment. How did you manage to be so reactionary? How will you reach your goal without technological progress? Your religion or belief only serves to set things back in technology.


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